In 2021, we also celebrated the 20th Annual FIDEC Open Golf. These charity tournaments have helped us not only raise funds to support our programs, but also surround ourselves with committed people who are happy to contribute to our cause.
Norberto Spangaro. Coorganizer of FIDEC Open Golf.
The Argentine artist Pérez Celis painted the logo that identifies our golf tournaments and the image that was originally used to advertise them. Pérez Celis productions express bright traces of his talent and his human warmth.
“It’s been an awesome experience for the whole family... We’re so much involved in the Open Golf!” Manuel Méndez, golfer from Miami.
“It’s one of the tournaments I most look forward to play. I can’t wait for October to arrive.” Oscar Korovaichuk, golfer from Chaco (Argentina).
The golf team from Mar del Plata (Argentina).
“In 2009 we arrived in Buenos Aires at night to play the following afternoon. However, so many golfers had registered that the organizers had to schedule new tee times and thus asked us to play early in the morning instead. Despite being tired after our trip, we didn’t hesitate to accept. At 5:30 am, when a bus came to pick us up at the hotel, we had a huge surprise: Dr. Stamboulian himself was waiting there for us. He greeted and thanked us for getting up at the crack of dawn so that all golfers could play. His attitude was another proof of the true humility shown by the greatest persons.” Pablo Zavala.
“We’ll miss you! Thank you so much for all the kindness and affection we’ve received over these years.” Carlos Melara, golfer for Mar del Plata who had never missed a tournament until 2021...
“I wouldn’t miss being close to you in this significant 20th anniversary.” Bruno Ricci, from Fortune International, long-standing friend and hole-in-one sponsor.
Volunteers 2018
Volunteers 2019
Volunteers 2021