Update on COVID-19 vaccines. In August 2020, FIDEC held an open virtual meeting to provide updated information about COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Susanne Doblecki-Lewis, Clinical Director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Miami and Leader of the Moderna vaccine research project, presented results of the study and pointed out the difficulties they had to face.
National Immunization Awareness Month. FIDEC developed educational materials in both English and Spanish to highlight the importance of keeping children’s vaccination schedules up to date to prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases. The campaign was shared on Facebook and Instagram in August 2020, thus reaching 86,093 impressions and 192,045 views.
Posts on social networks to promote child vaccination.
Information about vaccines in mass media. In August and September 2020, Pablo Elmassian and Luján Soler, members of FIDEC’s medical staff, gave local mass media three interviews focused on vaccines. They talked about influenza and COVID-19 prevention at the TV channel Telemundo, and specifically addressed influenza vaccination during the pandemic at the radio station Actualidad.
Virtual talk about the importance of vaccination during the pandemic. This activity aimed at the community was organized in September 2020 by the Colombian Consulate in Miami and its working group Colombia Nos Une. Dr. Luján Soler, Vaccination Program Director at FIDEC, informed about influenza vaccination, encouraged it in spite of COVID-19, and cleared up common doubts.
Survey on influenza in Latin-American countries. In September 2020, FIDEC surveyed opinion leaders, infectious disease specialists, and influenza vaccine experts from ten Latin-American countries on the local epidemiology of influenza, influenza vaccine recommendations, vaccination coverage, availability of various vaccines, and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vaccination. Data from Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, and Peru was collected to develop strategies and improve access to influenza vaccines in the region.
Binational Health Month. In October 2020, as in previous years, FIDEC joined the Americas’ Health Awareness Month. This time, a campaign was carried out in the consulates of Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Peru to raise awareness of the importance of influenza and COVID-19 vaccination. Due to the circulation restrictions, virtual talks were given and digital materials were shared on social media, together with educational videos about vaccines and their recommendations. Moreover, printed educational materials were made available in the waiting rooms of all consulates.
Miami-Dade Immunization Coalition. FIDEC, the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Miami, and representatives of governmental and nongovernmental organizations continue to actively participate in the Miami-Dade Immunization Coalition. In collaboration with the Miami-Dade Health Department, the Coalition aims at increasing vaccination rates in the community. In November 2020 and in February and June 2021, virtual meetings were held to discuss various topics, such as decreased vaccination due to the pandemic, rising religious exemption claims to a growing number of vaccine mandates, misinformation about COVID 19 vaccines, and distrust among the general population.
Luján Soler, Vaccination Program Director at FIDEC, presents data during the last virtual meeting of the Miami-Dade Immunization Coalition.
Vaccination campaign in Homestead, Florida. In January 2021, FIDEC and the Miami-Dade Health Department offered vaccines for children and against COVID-19 in rural areas of South Florida. In addition, they carried out educational activities to emphasize the importance of vaccination throughout all stages of life.
Seqirus Program: Influenza Vaccines in 2021. From March to November 2021, FIDEC run this program to raise awareness of influenza vaccination in Latin America and to assess vaccination coverage during the COVID- 19 pandemic. The following activities were carried out:
Latin-American experts in influenza and its prevention shared data collected in their countries and then developed strategies to increase influenza vaccination.
Campaign to promote adult vaccination. FIDEC and FUNCEI, together with the International Federation on Ageing (IFA), are members of the World Coalition on Adult Vaccination. It is made up of nongovernmental organizations, academia, associations, clinicians, and public health and scientific experts that share a common goal: to encourage vaccination throughout life, especially, in older adults. Therefore, in 2021, Luján Soler, Vaccination Program Director at FIDEC, made educational videos to address four key topics:
These videos are a key element of the IFA’s Vaccination Advocacy Toolkit, which was launched at the IFA’s 15th Global Conference on November 9, 2021. The videos were previously published in the Conference website and used to promote the V4L (Vaccines4Life) Summit. The goal of the Vaccines4Life program, developed and led by the IFA, is to mobilize knowledge on the importance of a life course approach to vaccination. Its platform serves as a point of connection on the most urgent matters related to adult vaccination.
Polio Eradication. At the 2012 World Health Assembly, 194 Member States declared polio eradication a programmatic emergency for global public health. Since then, FIDEC has performed research in Latin America and Europe, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to develop better vaccines against this disease.
A Ciencia Cierta (TV Show). In 2020, FUNCEI took on the role of science coordinator of this TV program, which has been on air for 20 years in Argentina. With Dr. Daniel Stamboulian as host and Science Director, and Dr. María Teresa Rosanova as cohost and Medical Coordinator, the show is aimed at informing the community and increasing awareness of disease prevention and complications, and of other ways to promote health at each life stage. A positive attitude is promoted to manage risk factors and prevent risky behaviors, and improve our daily life. Another goal is to collaborate with public and private institutions that produce educational material to the same end.
A Ciencia Cierta is now recorded at FUNCEI's studio.
The show hosts discuss each topic with local and international specialists, addressing patients’ most common concerns. An interdisciplinary team also works daily to provide the community with the best healthcare information and recommendations to lead a better life. There is also a section for medical trivia, general interest topics, and Dr. Stamboulian’s usual reflections.
Programs recorded in twenty seasons
Topics from almost all medical specialties
The program airs on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. on METRO TV channel (#8 on Cablevisión and Flow, #511 on Telecentro and #55 on Red Intercable, Argentine cable TV operators). It has an average rating of 0.1, equal to 10,000 viewers every week, excluding random reruns by the station. On February 4, 2021, A Ciencia Cierta was METRO’s most viewed show for the day. Besides its own YouTube channel with 184 programs uploaded and over 200,000 views, it has a strong presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Every program is sponsored by well-known companies.
A Ciencia Cierta (TV Show) | |
2006 | FUND TV Award |
2010 | Special mention, TV category, Gota en el Mar Award for Charitable Journalism |
2017 | Award nomination, Martín Fierro Award for Best Health Program on Cable |
2018 | |
2019 |
Dengue Control and Prevention Campaign. Between June and December 2020, FUNCEI’s Educational Department organized and implemented this initiative in the province of Jujuy (Argentina), under the direction of Cintya Elmassian, Departament Coordinator, and accountant Jorge Grinpelc, President of The Rotary Foundation Buenos Aires. Sponsored by Rotary Club Internacional, this campaign was implemented in the towns of Libertador General San Martín and San Pedro, with three central aims:
Teachers and primary healthcare providers received a copy of the guide Enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos: qué son y cómo prevenirlas (Mosquito-Borne Diseases: Definition and Prevention Strategies), published by FUNCEI. Local healthcare professionals also got flipcharts to give lectures to the general public.
As the campaign was implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, training was held in virtual sessions to comply with preventive social isolation measures. FUNCEI’s team created digital and audiovisual material for a workshop where students and teachers could delve into the contents of the book Contraataque al dengue ¡Unite a la misión! (Fighting Back against Dengue: Join our Mission!). For instance, children were challenged to an innovative game were they became “Aedes detectives” to detect mosquito breeding grounds at home and in the surrounding areas, and to take the appropriate measures to remove or sanitize them. To this end, each child was provided with a “detective kit”: a 40-page book printed in four colors, a magnifying glass, a mosquito repellent, and a hat with the campaign motto, all in a reusable bag.
Children's book
For primary healthcare providers
For teachers
The song “Cumbia del mosquito” (Mosquitos’ Cumbia), composed and played by music therapist Germán Chan Chan, was FUNCEI’s joyful way to teach children prevention measures. Children were handed recorded tutorials to learn the rhythm, melody and choreography. Later on, during the campaign, they sent their own videos singing and dancing with their families.
Children singing and dancing “Mosquitos’ Cumbia” during the 2020 campaign in Jujuy.
FUNCEI's LinkedIn Profile Launch. Since November 2020, FUNCEI has an institutional profile on the most popular social network for professionals and companies. Information about their programs and activities is shared, as well as useful data, contents, and resources for the science and medicine community.
Stamboulian Talks. This series of free and interactive talks has been held in 2021 for the fourth year in a row to provide continuing education for physicians, pharmacists, biochemists, and nurses from Latin America. Featured and innovative aspects of different medical specialties are transmitted in clear, concise, and appealing presentations, followed by a Q&A session with the audience. After each presentation, videos are shared on the Multimedia section of FUNCEI’s website, and on FUNCEI’s YouTube channel and social media accounts. A four-minute summary for general audiences is also broadcast on the news website infobae.com and on the TV show A Ciencia Cierta.
Stamboulian Talks is produced and broadcast from FUNCEI’s studio, fitted with high-quality lighting, sound system, and cameras. It already has an online community of 24,200 YouTube subscribers from Latin America. In 2020, 38 speakers from 17 different specialties gave talks; in 2021, 45 speakers from 16 specialties were invited to participate.
2021 Edition
Stamboulian Talks in Numbers
Stamboulian Talks is led by Dr. Daniel Stamboulian and Dr. Marcelo Laurido. Francesco Garabello, Carolina Savignano, Marisa Rina López, and Liliana Moreno are also part of the team. The talks are endorsed by the following sister organizations:
The following companies support this program: Abbott, Amgen, Barbijos Ion Positivo, Bioartis, Biomérieux, EuroLab Especialidades Medicinales, Gador, Helios Salud, Inbio Highway, Laboratorios Bernabó, Laboratorio Elea Phoenix (Neuroscience), Laboratorios Richmond, Pfizer, Roche, Seqirus, Sidus, Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Continuing Education Program on Healthcare for Pharmacists and Nurses. Since 2012, FUNCEI provides training courses and virtual training sessions on adult vaccination, infections, and travel medicine for pharmacists and nurses of Farmacity, a chain drug store company in Argentina. They also provide printed and digital education material for professionals and patients, or act as advisors on Farmacity’s own material. In 2021, they have organized the following activities:
FUNCEI and FIDEC Epidemiology Newsletter. In May 2021, this free, digital newsletter distributed via email increased its subscribers to almost 16,000 healthcare professionals from Latin America, USA, and other countries. With over 100 issues published since 2010, it can also be downloaded from the foundations’ websites. With Dr. Daniel Stamboulian as Director, this project is led by Dr Lilián Testón (writer and coordinator) and Soledad Llarrull (copy editor). It is sponsored by Pfizer.
Creation of audiovisual content for children. The COVID-19 pandemic has seeded doubt in children, who hear conversations about unfamiliar topics that they need to learn more about, such as COVID-19, the human body defense systems, and the importance of vaccines to feel safe and protected. To provide this information to a large audience, in 2021 FUNCEI’s Educational Department created the videos “Los microbios y el sistema inmunológico” (Microbes and the Immune System) and “Ganar la batalla al coronavirus, ¿misión posible?” (Winning the Battle against Coronavirus: Mission Possible?).
Videos for children created by FUNCEI’s Educational Department.
Also, the team of educators and psychologists created the video “Qué lindo ser yo” (It’s Great to Be Me) to promote healthy physical, emotional, and psychological development in small children during the first 1,000 days of life. Lastly, the album Cantando con Microbac (Singing with Microbac) by Germán Bustamante teaches healthy habits since early childhood. These songs are a fun and entertaining rehash of the contents of the five books from the collection Los Viajes de Microbac (Microbac’s Travels), published by FUNCEI. All these audiovisual materials are shared on the Foundation’s Educational Department YouTube channel.
The music album Cantando con Microbac (Singing with Microbac).
El Sistema Inmunológico y el Poder de las Vacunas (The Immune System and the Power of Vaccines). FUNCEI’s Education Department kick-started this campaign with the direction of Cintya Elmassian in June 2021. It is based on the premise that the pandemic is a golden opportunity for children to learn about the immune system, its structure and function, and each child’s role in growing into healthy adults. This is why this campaign, sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline, is addressed to 4th and 5th graders from schools in the City of Buenos Aires, the province of Buenos Aires, and the province of Jujuy. It is also addressed to family action centers in the City of Buenos Aires.
It was launched in July with a medical lecture by Dr. Hebe Vázquez, from FUNCEI, for families, teachers, and school authorities from the participating institutions. In September, at the virtual book launch of Los defensores de nuestra salud (Bodyguards of our Health), core campaign material, Ms. Elmassian gave an online talk for teachers and school authorities on how to approach the book. “It invites readers to be the protagonists of the campaign and become ‘superheroes’ of their own body, while discovering the ‘power’ they have to accomplish the five missions that will help them care for their health, and promote physical, emotional, and social well-being,” she highlighted.
This proposal is supplemented with video games especially developed to boost learning. Teachers were provided with materials to apply the contents in the classroom in a fun, practical way. Furthermore, 1,500 books were handed to students reached by FUNCEI’s campaign (see A Fun Way to Learn about Vaccines and the Body Defense System).
FUNCEI's latest children's book.
FUNCEI Informa sobre Vacunas (FUNCEI’s Vaccine Information). In August 2021, FUNCEI launched this one-stop, essential web resource with updated and trustworthy content about vaccines. The full spectrum of vaccine information is organized as follows:
This project is handled by FUNCEI and FIDEC's Vaccine Workgroup (see Vaccine Information for All, in One Website).
FUNCEI’s new vaccine website launch video.
Research. In August 2021, after two years of hard work, FIDEC finished the study Head and Neck Cancers, and Other HPV-Associated Cancers of the Upper Respiratory Tract. Prevalence Among a Population Sample of Argentina. It was aimed at obtaining local information about the relationship between these types of cancer and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Such data was scarce in the country. The study will contribute to setting the foundation for HPV vaccines to be used to prevent oropharyngeal cancer and other upper respiratory tract tumors. In the following months, data will be gathered to publish the results of the study, led by Dr. Hebe Vázquez, FIDEC and FUNCEI’s main researcher, with Drs. Lorenzo and Santiago Parreño as assistant researchers. Stamboulian Servicios de Salud (Stamboulian Health Services), Atención Otorrinolaringológica (Atención OLR, center specialized in otolaryngology) and Hospital de Clínicas (Clinic Hospital) also collaborated with the study.
Online Healthcare Services. This program will provide professionals and patients with a second opinion on common issues from many medical specialties, both for diagnostics and treatment. This service is provided online, so there is no need to go to a health center, and health information provided for this service can be about children, teenagers, or adults. People interested in this service shall provide the reason for this through a website. A form will guide them to describe the situation in the most precise way possible, and they will also be asked to attach a medical report or diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, CT scans, and lab test results to help the medical staff better assess the case.
If the team of professionals determines that a second opinion will help solve or improve the condition, they will get in touch with the participant to obtain more information, if needed, or they will refer the participant by phone or via email to a doctor for a second opinion about their case. Patients will get an answer 7-10 days after the form has been accepted. The second opinion final report will be delivered in writing. As a separate service, patients can later arrange an appointment with the same specialist for an in-person examination. This program is directed by Dr. Daniel Stamboulian and Dr. César Gnocchi, and includes the participation of FUNCEI’s medical interns and staff. Tulio de Rose and Dr. Débora Greco are the program’s coordinators.
Occupational Health Program aimed at employees of Tierras de Armenia, Converse Bank, and Zvartnots International Airport. Since 2008, FIDEC Armenia operates an occupational health program in the wine-producing company Tierras de Armenia, based in the province of Armavir. This program provides rural workers with free medical services, which include preemployment assessments and regular check-ups from then on. Acute medical conditions and chronic diseases are treated attending to each person's needs. In addition, educational activities to promote a healthy lifestyle are carried out. For these purposes, an in-house nurse works full-time at Tierras de Armenia, and a physician coordinates the program. A network of outpatient clinics and specialty medical centers in Armavir or Yerevan has also been established to refer employees who need diagnostic tests or medium-to-high complexity treatments or operations.
FIDEC Armenia has expanded the scope of this successful program and since April 2020 also holds consultations with two other Argentine-Armenian companies: Converse Bank and Zvartnots International Airport. During the pandemic, FIDEC Armenia has assisted all three companies in designing evidence-based measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and has helped oversee their implementation (see Health is Essential in the Workplace).
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Program. By the end of 2018, the National Immunization Program (NIP) of Armenia introduced the HPV vaccine, which has since been available free of charge for all teenage girls of 13 years of age. However, antivaccine groups managed to misinform healthcare professionals and the community via social networks and created unfounded fears and doubts. Armenia thus became the country with the lowest vaccination rates. As of 2019, FIDEC Armenia has been working to revert this alarming situation through a collaboration agreement signed with the Ministry of Health of Armenia and NIP, and in cooperation with the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention. To promote vaccination, they lead and fund educational and awareness-raising activities aimed at healthcare professionals and the community using social media.
Epidemiological Study to Determine the Prevalence of HPV infections. Besides promoting HPV vaccination, since 2019 FIDEC Armenia has conducted the first epidemiological study to assess the prevalence of HPV infections in young Armenian women. This research project was set up through an agreement with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO-IARC) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It has three stages, two of which have already ended: HPV detection in urine samples from women 17 to 20 years of age and testing for specific virus types (genotyping) in cervical samples preserved at V. A. Fanarjyan National Oncology Center. During the last phase, which was launched in September 2021, prevalence of HPV infections will be assessed in a sample population of women 21 to 40 years of age.
COVID-19 Risk Communication Working Group. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Armenia, in 2020, FIDEC Armenia has assisted the Ministry of Health and the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention by having consultations and exchanging information based on data from Latin-American countries. FIDEC Armenia has also become a member of the COVID-19 Risk Communication Working Group, together with the aforementioned organizations, the National Institute of Health, the American University of Armenia, WHO Armenia, the United Nations Development Programme, UNICEF Armenia, the International Republican Institute (funded by the United States Agency for International Development), other international partners, and prominent physicians from the Armenian Diaspora.
The working group holds weekly teleconferences to discuss the ongoing situation and to coordinate the members’ educational and communication activities to manage the pandemic. Measures to encourage vaccine acceptance in the community are implemented as well. For training healthcare professionals in charge of vaccination, FIDEC Armenia produced videos and flyers explaining how to manage anaphylactic shock or how to store vaccines. The foundation also designed and printed posters and large banners to be displayed in public spaces and outdoor vaccination sites (shopping malls, public transportation, pharmacies, supermarkets, parks, and other frequently visited places). The messages focused on who can get vaccinated and where and how to do it. Visually appealing reminders on effectiveness and safety of the vaccines were also featured.
Public Health Program in Shirak. FIDEC Armenia has carried out health assessments and has designed a comprehensive healthcare program for the province of Shirak. The mail goal is to provide free high-standard medical services to the low-income rural population. The target beneficiaries will be men and women 40 to 70 years of age in the Artik and Akhuryan regions. In addition, the program will reach the younger population to improve family planning practices and to decrease the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases associated with high rates of labor migration. Finally, large-scale deworming activities have been planned to contribute to children’s health. The program has been submitted to potential donors and will be launched upon funds availability.